Our Sponsors

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much"

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much Image
Why do we need sponsors?

Working together to “Help Wild Lives Live”

WA Wildlife receives no state or federal government funding (excluding ad hoc grants) and was the first designated wildlife veterinary hospital in Western Australia. Each year the WA Wildlife Hospital treats and rehabilitates more than 6500 sick and injured animals.

Sponsorships play a vital role in supporting our ongoing fight for wildlife conservation. Without sponsors, we cannot achieve our mission! Sponsors and Supporters help us by:

  • Paying for costs associated with our wildlife veterinary hospital (including salaries for critical staff).
  • Funding wildlife research programs.
  • Funding education and training programs.
  • Funding wildlife treatment and/or rehabilitation programs.
  • Funding new project initiatives to help wildlife.
  • Building and maintaining wildlife rehabilitation enclosures and other infrastructure.
  • Funding general animal husbandry needs such as food and enrichment.
Platinum Sponsors

Sponsorship or donation valued above $100,000 (annually)

Gold Sponsors

Sponsorship or donation valued at $75,000 (annually)

Silver Sponsors

Sponsorship or donation valued at $50,000 (annually)

bp Logo
Bronze Sponsors

Sponsorship, donation or in-kind support valued at $25,000 (annually)

Costa (Jandakot) Logo
Minara Resources Logo
Marley Spoon (Bibra Lake) Logo
Animalius Logo
Zoetis Logo
The Allyn Fund Logo

Sponsorship, donation or in-kind support valued at $10,000 (annually)

Fremantle Ports Logo
Castledex Logo
Friends of WA Wildlife

Sponsorship, donation or in-kind support valued under $9,000 (annually)

Dux Digital Logo
Murdoch University Logo
Volunteering WA Logo
Melville Animal Hospital  Logo
When Adam met Eve Logo
Rotary Club of Booragoon Logo
Home Integrity  Logo
Bunnings Warehouse (Bibra Lake) Logo
Woolworths (Palmyra) Logo
Spudshed (Spearwood & Jandakot) Logo
The Wetlands Cockburn Logo
Envirapest Logo
Development WA Logo
Snap Cockburn Logo
Autorun Logo